Greetings from the Law Foundation
of Prince Edward Island

The Law Foundation of PEI works to promote the advancement of legal knowledge and access to justice for all Prince Edward Islanders. We do this by funding projects and encouraging partnerships that advance the Foundation’s mandate.

Our work is made possible through a fund that we maintain that comes from the interest which banks, credit unions, trust companies, and treasury branches must pay on clients' funds held in lawyers' pooled trust accounts. For more information on how this works, please visit our FAQ page.

How and Why We Exist

The Law Foundation of PEI was established in 1973 under the Legal Profession Act. A voluntary Board of Governors carries out the Foundation’s mandate as outlined in the Act:

The Foundation has the power to establish and maintain a fund and use the proceeds thereof for the purposes of:

  • Legal education, legal research or law reform;
  • The promotion of legal aid

We are proud to serve our Island community!

Our Mission

To promote the advancement of legal knowledge & access to justice for all Prince Edward Islanders through funding & partnerships.

2023 Annual Report Now Available

LFPEI 2023 Annual report is now avialable by clicking here

Law Foundation Welcomes New Governor

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island is pleased to announce that Don Desserud has been appointed to its Board of Governors. Don is a lay member of the Board; a public representative. Don Desserud holds a BA and an MA from Dalhousie University and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario. Moreover, he has an MA in English and Creative Writing from the University of New Brunswick. He currently teaches political science, including courses on elections and electoral systems, at the University of Prince Edward Island. His research interests include parliaments and legislative assemblies. He frequently comments on political issues on local and national media. Aside from being a professor, Dr. Desserud is a freelance columnist, creative writer, broadcaster, political analyst, and consultant. He's been published many times in journals such as The Canadian Political Science Review, the Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law and the International Journal of Canadian Studies.

Law Foundation welcomes new Governor

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island is pleased to announce that Susan Robinson has been appointed to its Board of Governors. She replaces Barbara E. Smith who had completed her term on the board.
Susan Robinson, KC, is the former Executive Director of the Law Society of Prince Edward Island, serving that organization for almost 20 years. She previously worked as the Director of Human Resources and Legal Affairs for the City of Summerside Read more

Posted November 2023

2022 Annual Report Now Available

LFPEI 2022 Annual report is now avialable by clicking here

Law Foundation Welcomes New Governor

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island is pleased to announce that Rob MacGregor has been appointed to its Board of Governors.  He replaces Gary Scales who had completed his term on the board.

Robert acts as counsel at McInnes Cooper, Charlottetown. He represents clients in matters involving financing, real estate, business purchases and sales, business start-ups and reorganizations. Robert obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Prince Edward Island, a Master of Business Administration from read more...

Posted February 2023

CNIB Launches

The Canadian National Institute for the Blind has launched its national "Know Your Rights" webpage, funded in part by the Law Foundation of PEI.  The site, Know Your Rights – Prince Edward Island, has plain language legal information handbooks to empower Prince Edward Islanders who are blind, partially sighted or Deafblind to better understand their rights, navigate the Prince Edward Island legal system and self-advocate.

January 2023

Law Lecture Set for November 17th

The 2022 UPEI Thane Campbell Lecture has been announced.

Noa Mendelsohn Aviv, Executive Director and General Counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, will present on Thursday, November 17, at 12 noon, at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel in Charlottetown. Mendelsohn Aviv’s lecture is titled “The Icing on the Cake: on tensions between freedom of religion and equality.” The lecture is free and members of the public are welcome to attend. Note that seating is limited.

Posted November 2022

PEI Law Foundation Announces 2022 Funding

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island recently presented a cheque for $30,000 to Community Legal Information (CLI). The payment is the first of two installments totalling $50,000, given annually to the community-based legal resource organization. “CLI has established itself as a respected legal information source within the province’s community network,” notes Gary Scales, Chair of the Law Foundation. Scales also announced that Legal Impact Grants for 2022 have been awarded. The program offers one-time annual grants in amounts up to $15,000. Among the 2022 recipients are PEI Association for Community Living and Sport PEI.  

Since 2013, the Law Foundation has provided over $2 million in funding to local projects, services and scholarships.

 Scales went on to say that “The Law Foundation is happy to support innovative ideas, research projects and educational events that help people to better understand legal issues and that address needs in the community. Just contact the office or visit the website for more information.” 

Posted August 10, 2022

National Funding Call - Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin Access to Justice Fund

Eligible organizations from across Canada are invited to apply to the McLachin Fund. For more information about this opportunity visit the McLachin site here.

posted June 2022

2022 Legal Administration Program Awards Announced

Congratulations to the 2022 Law Foundation Legal Administration Program Award recipients,  Marie Joy Payumo-Salgadoa (pictured right)  and Laine Gallant (pictured left).

Added October 2022

2022 Legal Impact Grants Awarded

The Law Foundation of PEI has awarded its Legal Impact Grants for 2022. The recipients are:

PEI Association for Community Living for an analysis of Social Assistance Act legislation and education related to housing options
Sport PEI for clinics/workshops related to legal Issues in sports
PEI Access to Justice Committee in support of an Access to Justice Forum

These one-time grants are in addition to the Law Foundation contributions to support continuous programs and services including the courthouse law libraries, the Community Legal Information Association, the PEI Bar Admission Course, a legal education coordinator position, CanLII levies and various education scholarships. 2021 grant recipients included the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, PEERS Alliance and East Coast Environmental Law.

The deadline for applications for Legal Impact Grants is October 3rd, 2022 for projects beginning in 2023. Clink on this link for more information about how to apply.

posted May 2022

2021 Annual Report Available

Click here to read the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island's annual report
ending December 31st, 2021.

posted June 2022

November 21 to 27 is Restorative Justice Week

If you’d like to learn more about the provinces RJ Program, more information including brochures can be found here.  The PEI Restorative Justice Community of Interest was established  in part through funding provided by the Law Foundation of PEI.

credit:  PEI Department of Justice and Public Safety

added November 2021

Law Foundation Grants Encourage Research, Access to Justice

Projects are now underway thanks to funding provided through the Law Foundation of PEI’s grant program. Among the recipients for 2021, are PEERS Alliance, Hospice PEI, East Coast Environmental Law and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Law Foundation Chair, Gary Scales said, “We are very happy to support publications, research and events that help Islanders better understand legal issues and that address needs in the community. This year’s projects will increase knowledge about the rights of individuals with sight impairment, laws governing environmental impact assessments, rights and protections for good Samaritans and health care directives.”

In addition to these one-time grants, the Law Foundation allocated nearly $170,000 in 2020 to support PEI’s provincial law library services, legal information resources, the PEI bar admission course and various legal education scholarships. Since 2013, the Law Foundation has provided over $2 million in funding.

Scales also noted that the Law Foundation will be launching a newly branded grants program in 2021, which is part of a campaign to raise public awareness about future funding opportunities.

posted May 2021

2022 Annual Report Now Available

You can access the Law Foundation of PEI's annual report ending December 31st 2022 here.

posted August 2023

CLI Releases Self-representation Resource

PEI's Community Legal Information (CLI) association has recently released a handbook to assist those who may be thinking of self-respresenting in the Island's family court system.  The development of the resource was funded through the Law Foundation of PEI and can be downloaded by visiting CLI's site here.

The handbook is intended to help Islanders to:

• Understand family law processes
• Get organized for family court
• Present your case well

posted April 2021

Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin Access to Justice Funding Call

The following funding call was provided by the Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin Access to Justice Fund announcing that its inaugural call for funding applications is now open.

 McLachlin Fund
The McLachlin Fund was established in 2019 to recognize and honour former Chief Justice McLachlin’s longstanding commitment to enhancing access to justice in Canada. You can learn more about the fund here.

The McLachlin Fund provides financial support for innovative regional and national projects to improve access to civil and family justice in Canada.

 Funding Call
 Information on the application process including who can apply, how to apply, funding priorities and more can be found here. If you have any questions concerning the application process, please contact staff at:

Decisions Added to CanLII Database

CanLII received a grant in 2020 to add decisions from the Newfoundland & Prince Edward Island Reports to The 553 decisions were identified as missing through a search for citations to PEI decisions that didn’t appear in CanLII’s databases.

 The announcement can be found here and the link to PEI case law at CanLII can be found here.

L'Nuey Offers Foundational Terms Resource

L’nuey – the PEI Mi’kmaq rights initiative, is offering a resource describing foundational terms related to aboriginal and treaty rights.   A link to the L'nuey web page and to the foundational terms resource can be found here.

RISE program offers free legal advice for sexual violence, workplace harassment victims

PEI's Community Legal Information group has launched the RISE program.  The program
provides educational, legal and emotional to support Islanders dealing with sexual violence trauma.

To go directly to the RISE program page, click here.

The program was featured in Canadian Lawyer Magazine. To read the story click here.

Updated December 2020
(first posted November 2020)

Community Legal Information Offers Tenant Support Website

Community Legal Information (CLI) offers a Tenant Support Centre webpage to assist tenants on Prince Edward Island by providing legal information, referrals, as well as support during the rental hearing process.  The Tenant Support Centre is a project of Community Legal Information, funded by the PEI provincial government.

If you have a question as a tenant on PEI, you can link to the guide located at the TSC by clicking here.

Updated December 2020
originally Posted July 2019

UNB Student Awarded Law Foundation Scholarship

Congratulations are extended to Sabryna Shaw (Cardigan, PE – 2nd year student) who was awarded a 2020 Prince Edward Island Law Foundation Centennial Scholarship from University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law.

[Photo courtesy of Sabryna Shaw and UNB]

Posted November 2020

Free Information Sessions Offered

If you would like to know more about the Law Foundation's funding program, we are happy to offer a 10-15 minute information session to groups or individuals.  The focus is to help you understand if your project is eligible and how to build a strong application.

The sessions are available using on-line platforms and can also be done in-person provided the location can accommodate social distancing measures and public health protocols.

For more information you can email us at or by calling 902-620-1763.

2019 Annual Report Available

Click here to read the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island's annual report ending December 31st, 2019.

New Call for Funding Applications - National Access to Justice Fund

The Law Foundation of Ontario invites applications from nonprofit organizations across Canada to the Access to Justice Fund (ATJF).  More details can be found here.

Grant amount
Up to $100,000
Applications can be for short-term or multi-year projects.

Application and deadline
There is a two-stage application process.
Stage 1: Letter of Intent

Deadline: May 12, 5:00 p.m. EST

2019/2020 Law Foundation Scholarship Recipient Announced

Congratulations are extended to Zach Geldert who has been named the 2019/2020 recipient of the Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Scholarship from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University.

Posted February 2020

The Law Foundation Welcomes New Governor

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island is pleased to announce that Paul Murphy was recently appointed to its Board of Governors.  He replaces John Maynard who had completed his term on the board.

Paul is a member of the Law Society of Prince Edward Island and the Chartered Professional Accountants of Prince Edward Island. He currently owns and operates the Loyalist Country Inn & Convention Centre in Summerside, Prince Edward Island....more

Posted November 2019

Resource Guide Available

This resource guide provides a general introduction to justice issues for people who work with Indigenous clients in the Atlantic Canadian justice system.  The full guide can be downloaded on the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI  site located here.

UNB Students Awarded Law Foundation Scholarships

Jeremy MacDonald recently received the PEI Law Foundation Centennial Upper Year Scholarship.  Jeremy is a second year student in the JD program.   The PEI Law Foundation Centennial Entrance Scholarship was awarded to Julia O’Hanley.

Pictured:  Greg Bowley (left), Assistant Professor at UNB Faculty of Law presents the Law Foundation Scholarship to Jeremy MacDonald (right). 

Picture provided by UNB

Posted November 2019

Funding DeadlineApproaching

The Law Foundation of PEI is reminding community organizations that its funding application deadline is quickly approaching. Proposals should focus on new ideas related to legal education, research or service delivery that will benefit Islanders.


The deadline for all applications is Monday, October 7th, 2019.  Check out our "How to Apply" tab for more information.

Pocket Talkers Proving Popular

The PEI Chapter of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association reports that its pilot project (funded through the Law Foundation of PEI), has resulted in one regional law firm making hearing assistive devices, called "pocket talkers" available at all their offices. 

Click here to read the story which contains a link to all firms that now have pockets talkers available.

Posted August 2019

Funding Application Deadline Set for Community Projects

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island has set October 7th, 2019 as the funding application deadline for projects that will take place in 2020. The amount of funding available ranges from micro grants ($500 or less) to regular grants (up to $15,000). The Law Foundation will also consider larger grants for multi-year projects or significant projects that involve multiple funding partners.

Proposals should focus on new ideas related to legal education, research or service delivery that will benefit Islanders. Funding priorities include projects that address the legal needs of seniors, newcomers and low-income families.
Contact the Law Foundation if you would like to discuss your ideas or to arrange a free information session for your organization.

2019 Law Foundation Legal Administration Awards Presented

The Law Foundation Legal Administration Program awards were presented at the July 27th Holland College graduation ceremony.  The two recipents for 2019 are Jessica Noonan and Helen Murphy.

Photo provided by Holland College:  Keynote speaker, Cindy Cameron (centre), presents the Law Foundation award to Helen Murphy (left) and Jessica Noonan (right).

Prof. Benjamin Berger Delivers 2019 Chief Justice Thane Campbell Lecture

Professor Benjamin Berger (Osgoode Law School) delivered the 2019 Thane Campbell Lecture on June 25th.  Prof. Berger spoke about recent developments in the law of sentencing and what they show about the ethical burdens and unique role of judges, as well as what this all suggests about the heart of human rights and the rule of law.

Posted June 2019

2018 Annual Report Now Available

Click here to read the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island's annual report ending December 31st, 2018.

Network Valuable for Communicating Funding Opportunities

The Employment Journey published an article in its April issue on a community sector network, which includes perspectives from the Law Foundation.  The article can be found here.

Posted April 2019

Law Foundation Grants Encourage Research, Access to Justice

Photo:  Shanna Descoste-Farrell (left), Executive Director of PEI Citizen Advocacy and Hailey Arsenault, Research Development Lead, work on a research framework for the organization’s project, "Exploring Justice for All".  (photo credit PEI Citizen Advocacy)

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island has announced its grant funding allocation for 2019. Among the recipients are PEI Citizen Advocacy and the PEI Human Rights Commission.  

The grant to PEI Citizen Advocacy is for the development of a research framework to better understand the access to justice issues facing vulnerable Islanders, specifically those with intellectual disabilities.

The PEI Human Rights Commission received funding to support a mentorship initiative and for captioning of presentations to be held at a national conference they are hosting in June.

In addition, the Law Foundation allocated nearly $170,000 in 2019 to support PEI’s provincial law library services, legal information resources, the PEI bar admission course and various legal education scholarships. Since 2013, the Law Foundation has provided close to $2 million in funding.

Law Foundation Chair, Gary Scales said, “Our grant program encourages innovative project ideas that enhance access to justice on Prince Edward Island. We are very happy to support research projects and educational events that help people to better understand issues and that address needs in the community.”

Posted March 2019

2019 Thane Campbell Lecture Heads National Human Rights Conference

The 2019 Thane Campbell Lecture will be delivered on June 25th by Professor Ben Berger (Osgoode Law School).  The topic is "Punishment, Suffering and the Rule of Law."  It will be held at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown at 7 p.m.

To reserve your seat (recommended) email For more information about the event call 902-566-0307.

The lecture is a highlight event leading into the national conference of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies.  

Professor Berger will examine important recent developments in the law of sentencing and what they show about the ethical burdens and unique role of judges, as well as what this all suggests about the heart of human rights and the rule of law. Members of the judiciary, legal profession and conference delegates are encouraged to attend and will have an opportunity to socialize following the lecture.

This event is open to the general public and all are welcome. There is no cost to attend. With the support of the Law Foundation of PEI, this lecture will be accompanied by real-time captioning for the hearing impaired.

2018/19 Law Foundation Scholarship Recipient Announced

Congratulations are extended to Graeme Stetson who has been named recipient of the Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Scholarship from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University.

Learn more about the national Access to Justice Fund

The Ontario Law Foundation’s Access to Justice Fund (ATJF) is a unique and permanent fund that provides grants to nonprofit organizations across Canada, including Prince Edward Island.  They have funded a number of PEI-based initiatives over recent years.

Learn more about the Access to Justice Fund fund here

Posted March 2019

Guides for Temporary Foreign Workers Available

Added December 2018 - The Cooper Insititute recently published a guide for workers in the temporary foreign worker program.  The documents are available here

New tool available for hard of hearing victims of crime

The CBC recently did a story on the availability of pocket talkers at PEI Victim Services. The story can be accessed by clicking here.

The story notes that: "The introduction of pocket talkers at Victim Services is part of a wider initiative spearheaded by the [Hard of Hearing] association over the last two years in partnership with the Law Foundation of P.E.I., which also funded the project."

Posted December 2018

Law Foundation funds real-time captioning at 2018 Human Rights Day Event

The press following press release was provided by the PEI Human Rights Commission:

Human Rights Day 2018

Real time captioning will make Human Rights Day Accessible to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

The PEI Human Rights Commission and Town of Stratford invite members of the public to attend Human Rights Day 2018 at Stratford Town Hall between 11:30 and 1:30 on Monday December 10, 2018. For the second year, we are pleased to be able to provide real time captioning to make this event accessible to the hard of hearing.

Monique LeBlanc, a representative from the Bank of Canada, will join students from the Stratford Elementary Honor Choir, École François Buote, Queen Charlotte Intermediate and Charlottetown Rural High School to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the release of the new $10 bill featuring Canadian human rights icon, Viola Desmond. Viola Desmond was a successful black businesswoman from Halifax who in 1946 challenged racial segregation at the Roseland Theater in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia.

Music, art and presentations by local youth will address these and other significant moments in Canadian human rights history. Display tables and a light lunch will be available at 11:30 with the main program beginning at 12.

We also wish to acknowledge that this PEI Human Rights Day event was funded in part through the generous support of the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island.

Posted December 2018

Law Foundation Supports Arthritis Society Workshop

Added November 2018  - The Law Foundation of PEI recently supported a workshop on legal rights for those living with arthritis as part of a forum organized by the PEI Arthritis Society.

Pictured:  Sean Corcoran and Ryan McCarville from the law firm of McInnes Cooper presented on legal rights of those living with arthritis as they relate to employment.

(Photo credit:  McInnes Cooper)

UNB Student Receives Upper Year Law Foundation Centennial Scholarship

Added October 2018 - The Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Upper Year Scholarship was presented to third-year UNB law student Margaret Grimmer at the October 2018 Law Academic Awards Night ceremony. The presentation was made by Law Professor Vokhid Urinov.

Pictured: Professor Vokhid Urinov (left) presents the Law Foundation Scholarship to Margaret Grimmer.

(Photo credit UNB Law School)

UNB Student Receives Entrance Year Law Foundation Centennial Scholarship

Added October 2018 - The Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Entrance Scholarship was presented to first-year UNB law student Jeremy MacDonald at the October 2018 Law Academic Awards Night ceremony. The presentation was made by Law Professor Vokhid Urinov.

Pictured: Professor Vokhid Urinov (left) presents the Law Foundation Scholarship to Jeremy MacDonald

(Photo credit UNB Law School)

Arthritis Society forum recieves funding from Law Foundation

Added October 2018
- The Law Foundation contributed funding to a forum put on by the PEI Arthritis Society.  A link to a CBC story leading up to the forum can be found here.

2018 Law Foundation Legal Administration Program Awards Presented

The Law Foundation Legal Administration Program awards were presented at the July 27th Holland College graduation ceremony.  The two recipents for 2018 were Susan Lott and Mbahenen “Stephanie” Ashaolu.

Photo provided by Holland College:  Keynote speaker, Cindy Cameron (centre), presents the Law Foundation award to Susan Lott (left) and Stephanie Ashaolu (right).

When funding recipients collaborate....

Always wonderful to see an organization we fund benefit from a project that we also fund!  Go to the PEI Chapter of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association blog here to read about how CLIA clients can now access hearing assistive devices.

Deadline for 2019 Project Applications Released

The deadline for funding applications is September 10th, 2018 for projects set to begin in 2019. Click on the "How to Apply" tab located on the top of this page to access application materials.

Hard of hearing organization improves access to justice

The PEI chapter of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association recently discussed the progress of their project funded through the Law Foundation of PEI.  Access the CBC radio interview here and the written article by CBC's Kevin Yarr here.

2017 Annual Report Now Available

Click here to read the 2017 Annual Report of the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island.

Hard of Hearing and Migrant Workers Benefit from Law Foundation Funding

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island has announced its grant funding for 2018. Among the recipients are the PEI Hard of Hearing Association and the Cooper Institute.  

Gary Scales, Chair of the Law Foundation, explains that, “The hard of hearing project promotes ways to improve communications with clients requiring legal services who have hearing difficulty.” He noted that this initiative has had very positive feedback to date. Scales went on to say that, “Funding provided to the Cooper Institute will go towards developing multi-language legal information resources for migrant workers and their employers.”

The Foundation also granted over $165,000 this year to support PEI’s provincial law library services and legal information resources, the Community Legal Information Association, the bar admissions program and legal education scholarships.

Projects completed in 2017 included a parenting coordination and family arbitration pilot project and the development of a family violence prevention education video geared to newcomers.

The Foundation encourages innovative ideas that advance legal knowledge and promote access to justice on Prince Edward Island. “We are happy to discuss our funding program and encourage interested organizations to visit out webpage and contact us with any questions.” Scales said.

For more information on the work of the Law Foundation of PEI, visit their website at, or contact Sheila Lund MacDonald, Executive Director.

CLIA Releases Family Law Publications

The Community Legal Information Association of PEI has released a series of "Family Law Matters" publications in various languages. CLIA says on their website  that:

These booklets are designed to improve access to family law information for people who are new to Canada. We could not have completed this work without the support of many Newcomer volunteers, who helped us with translation, editing and reviews. Thank you! We are also grateful for financial support from the Interministerial Women's Secretariat and the Law Foundation of PEI.

To access these publications visit CLIA's website at or click here

2017/18 Law Foundation Scholarship Recipient Announced

Congratulations are once again extended to Parker Baglole who has been named the recipient of the Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Scholarship from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. This is the second year in a row that Mr. Baglole has earned this scholarship.

Law Day project helps low income Islanders to create wills

The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) Young Lawyers' Section and the Wills and Estates Section have announced they are offering a 2018 Wills Clinic. The project is being coordinated through PEI's Community Legal Information Association. 

CBC Story: PEI Free legal advice will continue at Charlottetown court

Follow this link for a CBC story by Katerina Georgievaon on the continuation of a free legal advice project.

2017 Thane Campbell Lecture Available Online

You can view the 2017 Thane Campbell Lecture delivered by UNB Professor Anne Warner
La Forest here. Professor La Forest discussed the evolution of Canadian and International Human Rights Law.

Photo:  Professor La Forest (left)  at post-lecture reception.

UNB Students Receive Law Foundation Centennial Scholarships

Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Scholarships were presented to UNB students Zachary Tweel (Entrance scholarship) and Lucas MacArthur (Upper Year scholarship) at the October 2017 Law Academic Awards Night ceremony. Presentations were made by Law Professor John McEvoy .

Pictured:  Professor McEvoy (left), Zachary Tweel (center) and Lucas MacArthur (right)

Photo credit UNB Law School

Human Rights Topic of 2017 Thane Campbell Lectureship in Law

Join us at the Guild on October 20th for the 2017 Thane Campbell Lecture.  This year's speaker is Professor Anne Warner La Forest who will be discussing Canada and International Human Rights Law.

New family violence resource for newcomers

CBC PEI's  Island Morning recently covered a video project for newcomers that was funded through the Law Foundation of PEI.  The story can be accessed at the CBC website here.

2017 Legal Administration Scholarships Awarded

Law Foundation board member John Maynard (Key Murray Law) presented Haley Stavert (left) and Shanae Deveaux (right) with Law Foundation Legal Administration Program Scholarships at the Holland College graduation ceremony held on July 28th.

Applications Invited for 2018 Projects

If your organization has an idea for a project that provides legal education or improves access to justice on PEI, it may be eligible for funding from the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island.

Gary Scales, Chair of the Law Foundation, recently announced that applications are being accepted for projects set to begin in 2018. Scales encourages interested organizations to visit the Foundation’s website to better understand the types of ideas that might be eligible. “For example, in 2017 the Foundation funded a video project about legal services for newcomers, and another project involving the purchase of equipment to assist legal clients who are hard of hearing.” Scales explains.

 The Foundation also provides annual funding to support community legal education programs, law scholarships, bar admissions education and law library services within the province.

The deadline for all applications is Monday, September 11th, 2017.

For further details on projects that are eligible and to obtain an application package, please visit the Foundation’s website at or contact the Executive Director, Sheila Lund MacDonald at

Hard of hearing clients get help talking with lawyers

CBC PEI's  Island Morning covered project to assist legal clients who are hard of hearing that was funded through the Law Foundation of PEI.  The story can be accessed at the CBC website here.

There is also an audio link to an interview between Island Morning's Mitch Cormier and PEI Chapter of the Canadian Hard of Hearning Association's Annie Lee MacDonald and Daria Valkenburg.  The audio interview can be accessed here.


The Law Foundation of Ontario recently issued a nation-wide call for funding proposals.  The funding details are located here. 

The Law Foundation of Ontario invites applications from nonprofit organizations across Canada to the Access to Justice Fund (ATJF) in the area of family law, including child protection. Family law, including child protection, is an important area of focus for the Foundation because many people experiencing family problems struggle to use the law to improve their lives and address those problems. This is a unique opportunity to further access to justice for families through innovative projects.

2016/17 Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Scholarship Recipient Announced

Congratulations are extended to Parker Baglole who is the 2016/17 Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Scholarship recipient from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University .

P.E.I. law clinic to help low-income Islanders prepare draft wills

Click here for a Guardian story on law clinics being held for low income Islanders.

Law Foundation Announces 2017 Funding


Law Foundation Funds Local Projects

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island recently announced its funding recipients for 2017. They include PEI Family Violence Prevention Services, the PEI Chapter of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association and the PEI Parenting Coordination Society. The Foundation supports initiatives that advance legal knowledge and promote access to justice on Prince Edward Island.

“This year’s projects focus on parenting coordination and family arbitration, supporting the hard of hearing, and family violence prevention education for newcomers,” says Gary Scales, Chair of the Foundation.

In addition to its 2017 grants, the Foundation contributed over $190,000 in support of PEI’s provincial law library service and legal information resources, the Community Legal Information Association, the bar admissions program and legal education scholarships.

Photo:  L-R Gary Scales, Chair-Law Foundation of PEI; Matt MacDonald and Eliza MacLauchlan, Community Legal Information Association; Annie Lee MacDonald, PEI Hard of Hearing Association

Legal Information Document for Migrant Workers in PEI Now Available

A new guide for migrant workers living and working in PEI has been produced by Cooper Institute, with the research funded through the Law Foundation of PEI. This guide serves as a plain-language introduction to the laws and policies affecting migrant workers in PEI.

You can link to the document here.

New legal clinic to help people in court who don't have a lawyer: CBC--Brian Higgins

Click on this link
to read a CBC PEI story by Brian Higgins on a new Island legal clinic.


The UNB Faculty of Law recently awarded scholarships to students from Prince Edward Island. The PEI Law Foundation Entrance Scholarship was given to Lucas MacArthur, a first year student from Charlottetown; and the PEI Law Foundation Upper Year Scholarship was awarded to Jennifer Singh, a third year student also from Charlottetown. The presentations were made at the UNB Academic Awards Night Ceremony held in October. 

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island contributes funding to scholarships and projects that promote the advancement of legal knowledge and access to justice for all Prince Edward Islanders.

UNB Professor Hilary Young (left) presents the PEI Law Foundation Entrance award to Lucas MacArthur of Charlottetown.

UNB Professor Hilary Young (left) presents the Upper Year Centennial Scholarship to Jennifer Singh of Charlottetown.

2016 Thane Campbell Lecture - Marie Henein

Marie Henein will give a lecture titled “An Inconvenient Profession” at the 2016 Chief Justice Thane A. Campbell Lectureship in Law on Wednesday, October 12, at 1:30 p.m., in Memorial Hall, Confederation Centre of the Arts. 

Henein will focus on the role of the legal profession in society, including both the personal demands of the profession as well as the commitment required to the legal system and the rule of law in firmly protecting the role of independent counsel.

Call for Funding Applications: Projects for 2017

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island is now accepting funding applications for projects set to begin in 2017.

Paul Kiley, Chair of the Foundation, encourages interested organizations to visit the Law Foundation’s website to better understand the types of initiatives that might be funded. He adds, “We are always interested in new ideas and projects that fit within our mandate, and look forward to receiving submissions on a variety of topics.”  

 The deadline for all submissions is September 12th, 2016.

 In 2016, the Foundation provided funding for education and research related to child custody issues, family violence prevention, foreign migrant workers, and parenting coordination. Core funding is provided to support community legal education programs, law scholarships, bar admissions education and law library services.

 The mandate of the Foundation is to promote the advancement of legal knowledge and access to justice for all Prince Edward Islanders by providing funding support and encouraging partnerships.

 For further details on projects that are eligible and to obtain an application package, please visit the Foundation’s website at or contact the Executive Director, Sheila Lund MacDonald at

2016 Legal Administration Scholarships Awarded

Pictured in Photo:  John Maynard (Key Murray Law) awarded Virginia Harris one of two available Law Foundation Legal Administration Program Scholarships at the Holland College graduation ceremony held on July 28th.

Missing from the photo is Harminder Kaur, the second scholarship recipient.

2015 Annual Report Now Available

You can read our 2015 Annual report here.

Law Foundation Announces 2016 Funding

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island recently announced its 2016 grant recipients. The Foundation offers funding support to projects that advance legal knowledge and promote access to justice for all Islanders.

“We are very pleased at the level of interest this year and with the diversity of the submissions we received,” said Foundation Chair, Paul Kiley. He added that, “This year’s grants support continuing and new projects related to child custody, foreign migrant workers and people with dementia.”

Recipients include Family Violence Prevention Services, Alzheimer Society of PEI, the Cooper Institute and the Community Legal Information Association. The Foundation also approved funding for the second phase of a Parent Coordination Service being developed through the Family Law Section of the PEI Department of Justice.

Pictured - Chair Paul Kiley (centre) speaks with 2016 Law Foundation grant recipients. (Left to right:  Philip Matusiewicz, Family Violence Prevention Services; Josie Baker, Cooper Institute;  Paul Kiley, Foundation Chair (Stewart McKelvey); Hannah Buckie, Alzheimer Society of PEI; David Daughton, Community Legal Information Association)

Call for Applications - Access to Justice Fund: Important Links

The Law Foundation of Ontario is inviting applications from non-profit organizations across Canada to the Access to Justice Fund (ATJF) for projects addressing legal needs of or relating to:  

-Children and youth
-Public legal education, intake and referral
-Racialized groups

Collaborations among organizations with different areas of expertise and from different areas of the country are encouraged.

Information about the 2016 ATJF Call:

Link to a summary document:

UNB Centennial Scholarship Award Winners Named

Iain McCarvill (right) received the PEI Law Foundation Centennial Entrance Scholarship at the University of New Brunswick's October 15th Academic Awards Night ceremony.  Professor Olasisi Akinkugbe (left) presented this award to Mr. McCarvill.

The 2015 UNB Upper Year Centennial Scholarship recipient is Amanda Blakeney.

Photo Credit Joy Cummings, UNB


Paul Kiley, Chair of the Law Foundation of PEI, is pleased to announce that Barbara E. Smith, Q.C. has been appointed to serve on the Foundation’s Board of Governors.   

Ms. Smith joined the Charlottetown Office of Stewart McKelvey (then Scales Jenkins McQuaid) as a clerk in March of 1990 and returned to the firm after graduating from Dalhousie Law School in June of 1991 to complete her articles.   She was called to the PEI Bar in April of 1992, became a partner with the firm in 1997 and received her Queens Counsel designation in January of 2008.  

Barb is an active volunteer in her community.  Some of her previous involvements include serving as a board member and chair of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation Inc., and as a member of the Advocacy Committee of the Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division where, as a result of this involvement, she was the recipient of the Queens Jubilee Award in 2002.

2015 Thane Campbell Lecture

This year's Thane Campbell Lecture will be held Oct 2 (Friday) at 1:30 (reception to follow) at The Guild at 115 Richmond Street (across from Confederation Center).  The speaker is Adam Dodek, University of Ottawa.

The title of his lecture is: “The Senator, the Chief Justice and the Federal Court Judge: Will the Island ever have another judge on the Supreme Court of Canada?”

This lecture will discuss the politics of appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada and the interaction between regionalism and other factors. How does the Duffy scandal and the failed appointment of Justice Marc Nadon impact appointments to the Supreme Court? Will these help or hinder the Island’s chances of ever having another judge appointed to the Supreme Court?

Professor Adam Dodek, LSM,  teaches Public Law, Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics and a seminar on the Supreme Court of Canada at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law. He grew up in Vancouver and earned degrees from McGill, Harvard Law School and the University of Toronto. He clerked for the Supreme Courts of Canada and Israel, as well as the U.S. Court of Appeals. He has written about the Supreme Court of Canada, the Senate, the Governor General, judicial independence, judicial ethics, legal ethics and the regulation of the legal profession for academic publications and for the popular press. He is the author of The Canadian Constitution (Dundurn) and Solicitor-Client Privilege (Lexis Nexis). In 2014, Canadian Lawyer named Dodek as one of the Top 25 most influential lawyers in Canada and in 2015, the Law Society of Upper Canada awarded him its highest honour, the Law Society Medal.


The Law Foundation of PEI invites your organization's funding application for projects set to begin in 2016.  Applications can be up to $15,000 in value.  For more information click here.

2015 Holland College Legal Administration Scholarships Awarded

Sheila Lund MacDonald (left), Executive Director of the Law Foundation of PEI,  recently awarded Alanna Gallant (centre) and  Santana Muttart (right) the Law Foundation's Legal Administration Program Scholarships as part of the Holland College graduation ceremony held on July 24th. 

2014 Annual Report Now Available

You can read our 2014 Annual report here

Project Deadlines Announced

Law Foundation Funding Deadline Released

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island has recently released its funding application deadlines for 2015. The final date for all project applications is September 11th for projects that are to begin in 2016. Paul Kiley, Chair of the Law Foundation noted that, “As always we like to see a variety of projects, particularly those that are geared to the legal needs of seniors, newcomers, and low and modest income Islanders.”

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island contributes to projects that promote the advancement of legal knowledge and access to justice for all Prince Edward Islanders by providing funding support and encouraging partnerships.


For further details on projects that are eligible and to obtain an application package, please visit the Foundation’s website at or contact the Executive Director, Sheila Lund MacDonald at

UNB 2014/15 Centennial Scholarship Recipients


The University of New Brunswick awarded the entrance scholarship to Joshua Adams from Kensington, PE, and the upper year scholarship to Alexandra Dalton, a third-year student from O’Leary, PE.  The Law Foundation of PEI provides financial support for these scholarships.

Pictured:  Clea Ward, Director of Career Services (left), presents the scholarship to Josh Adams

2014/15 Dalhousie Scholarship Awarded

Congratulations to Lindsay Silliker of Charlottetown who is the 2014/15 Law Foundation of PEI Centennial Scholarship recipient from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University .

2015 Funding Recipients Announced

Signing funding agreements from left to right: Law Foundation Chair, Paul Kiley (Stewart McKelvey), David Daughton, Executive Director of CLIA; and Brenda Picard, Executive Director of the PEI Human Rights Commission)

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island recently announced its annual grant recipients for 2015. The Foundation supports projects that advance legal knowledge and promote access to justice for all Islanders.

“We are very happy to provide grants for activities that benefit Islanders from many walks of life,” said Foundation Chair, Paul Kiley. He noted that in its funding decisions, the Foundation particularly considers collaborative and innovative approaches for providing legal aid and legal education to the public.

The Foundation recently approved funding for continuing and new projects, including:

  • The PEI Human Rights Commission – For the continuation of its program to integrate human rights education into the K-12 system across PEI.
  • Community Legal Information Association (CLIA) – An annual operational funding grant and funding to support students involved in the project: “Answering the Call for Legal Information – The Next Generation”.
  • PEI Family Law Services – In support of a Parent Coordination Program Pilot Project.
In addition to these grants, the Foundation continues to provide over $300,000 in annual grant support to PEI’s provincial law libraries, legal education services, family legal aid, the PEI bar admissions program, and legal education scholarships.

Where do the funds go? Click on the link for an overview.

Funding 2009-2013

Where do the funds go?

2015 Grant Agreement Signed for Parent Coordination Pilot Project

Grant Agreements were recently signed for 2015 projects, including a Parent Coordination Program Pilot Project under the direction of the PEI Family Law Section.

Pictured from left to right are: Loretta Coady MacAulay, Q.C., Manager, Family Law Section, Department of Environment, Labour and Justice; Barrie Grandy, Q.C., Director,  Legal and Court Services, Department of Environment, Labour and Justice; and Paul Kiley, Chair of the Law Foundation.

What is IOLTA?

What are Canadian Law Foundations' primary funding source?  See this link for an overview of interest earned on lawyers' trust accounts.


(Runs 3 min 26 secs)

Presented by the ABA Commission on IOLTA and The National Association of IOLTA Programs, with generous support from The Florida Bar Foundation, The Law Foundation of British Columbia, and The Alberta Law Foundation.

Eastern College Recognizes 2014 Legal Administration Grads

Sheila Lund MacDonald, Executive Director of the Law Foundation of PEI, presented the Eastern College Legal Administration Program awards for excellence at a cermony held on November 14th.  Congratulations to the deserving recipients, Hannah Bell and  Nadine MacDonald.

Left Hannah Bell, Sheila Lund MacDonald, and Nadine MacDonald on right.

2014 Thane Campbell Lectureship Looks at Equality and Conscience

The 2014 Thane Campbell lecture was delivered by Mary Anne Waldron, Q.C., Professor of Law at the University of Victoria and Associate Vice-President Faculty Relations and Academic Administration.  She discussed her book Free to Believe: Rethinking Freedom of Conscience and Religion in Canada.   The lecture explored the topic of  equality and conscience and was delivered in front of an audience representing education, legal, and community organizations.

2013 Annual Report Now Available

You can read our 2013 Annual report here

2014 Legal Administration Scholarships Awarded at Holland College

Law Foundation Board member, John Maynard (Key Murray Law),  presented the Holland College Legal Administration Program scholarships at an awards cermony held on July 25th.  Congratulations to the 2014 winners, Paige MacPherson (left) and Andrea Matters (right).

Law Foundation Funding Deadlines Announced

Law Foundation Funding Deadlines Announced

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island has recently announced its funding application deadlines for projects commencing in 2015. “The final date for small project applications is September 8th, and the deadline for larger projects is November 3rd.” says Paul Kiley, Chair of the Foundation. “We are encouraging a variety of ideas including those that are geared to addressing the legal needs of seniors, newcomers, and low and modest income Islanders.”

The Law Foundation of PEI works to promote the advancement of legal knowledge and access to justice on PEI. Since 2007, the Foundation has designated over $2.2 million dollars to fund projects and services that fall within its mandate.

For further details on eligibility and to obtain an application package, please visit the Foundation’s website at here or contact the Executive Director, Sheila Lund MacDonald at

Pictured Left:  Paul Kiley (Stewart McKelvey), Chair of the Law Foundation of PEI

Law Foundation Announces 2014 Grant Recipients

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island recently announced its annual grant recipients for 2014. The Foundation supports projects that advance legal knowledge and promote access to justice for all Islanders.

“We’re very pleased at the level of interest this year and the diversity of submissions.” said Foundation Chair, Paul Kiley. He noted that the nature of the proposals ranged from conducting legal workshops, to the development of legal educational materials specific to PEI.

Recipients for 2014 include the PEI Association for Community Living, Family Violence Prevention Services, and the PEI Human Rights Commission. The Foundation also approved an increase to the annual funding it provides to the Community Legal Information Association in support of its ongoing operations.

In addition to these grants, the Foundation continues to provide annual grant support to PEI’s provincial law libraries, family legal aid, bar admissions courses and legal education scholarships.

Since 2007, the Foundation has designated over $2 million dollars to fund projects and services that fall within its mandate.

Photo:  Left to right: Lindsay Merrill, PEI Family Violence Prevention Services; Tom Hilton, PEI Human Rights Commission; Marlene Foote, PEI Association for Community Living; Paul Kiley (Stewart McKelvey), Chair of Law Foundation of PEI; Brenda Picard, PEI Human Rights Commission; and David Daughton, Community Legal Information Association. Missing from photo are Board of Governors members: Patsy MacLean (HRA), John Maynard (Key Murray Law), Gary Scales (McInnes Cooper) and Barrie Grandy (Attorney General Representative).

UNB Centennial Scholarship Awards

The University of New Brunswick’s Entrance and Upper Year Prince Edward Island Law Foundation Centennial scholarships were awarded for the 2013 academic year. The entrance scholarship was awarded to Chenchen Yu from Stratford, PE. Donald Cameron, a third year student from Bonshaw, PE received the upper year scholarship. Ms. Yu and Mr. Cameron received their awards on October 16th, 2013 at UNB’s Faculty of Law Awards Night ceremony.

Photo:  UNB Law Professor, Professor Leah Theriault, presents the LFPEI Centennial Entrance Scholarship to Chenchen Yu.


The 2013 Chief Justice Thane Campbell Lectureship in Law was delivered by Lesli Bisgould, BA (York University) 1987, LLB (Osgoode - York University) 1990. Ms. Bisgould delivered a session on the changes to and development of laws relating to animals and animal welfare in Canada. The Lectureship took place on the UPEI campus on October 4th.

Ms. Bisgould has been practicing law since 1992, focusing on animal law and animal rights. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law where she teaches a course on animals and the law. She is also the author of a textbook entitled Animals and the Law (2011).


Paul Kiley, Chair of the Law Foundation of PEI, congratulates the 2013 scholarship recipients from the Holland College Legal Administration Program. The recipients were Katie Carver (left in the photo), and Angela Jones (right).