Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of the Law Foundation of PEI (LFPEI)?

The Law Foundation of PEI works to promote the advancement of legal knowledge and access to justice for all Prince Edward Islanders. We do this by funding projects and encouraging partnerships that advance the Foundation’s mandate.

Our work is made possible through a fund that we maintain that comes from the interest which banks, credit unions, trust companies, and treasury branches must pay on clients' funds held in lawyers' pooled trust accounts.

2. Where can I find the forms to fill out?

You can find the application forms at

3. What are supporting documents?

Supporting documents are materials that support and strengthen your proposal. Examples include:

  • Needs Assessment, Project Objectives, Letters of Support or Collaboration
  • List of Board Directors and Officers, Organizational Chart, Position Descriptions, Resumés; other relevant documentation
  • Statistics, Evaluation Summaries, other relevant documentation.

4. Do I have to recognize the LFPEI on all of my materials and website?

You are required to follow the recognition policy of the LFPEI. You may request a copy of this policy by contacting the LFPEI Executive Director.

5. What if our organization has an idea, but is not sure if it fits into the LFPEI mandate?

If you have any questions please contact the LFPEI Executive Director.

6. What funding is available?

The Law Foundation offers a range of grants, including:

  • Micro Grants (less than $5000 )
  • Regular Grants ($15,000 or less)
  • Larger grants (Large grants are welcome. If your funding request is greater than $15,000, please contact the Law Foundation before preparing your proposal)
7. How often do you accept applications?

Applications are accepted and reviewed once per year, for projects commencing the following year.

8. What are the deadlines for submissions?

The deadline for applications generally falls in September or October. Funding decisions normally take place in late November. Please consult the "How to Apply" section for the current dates.

9. How does the LFPEI get the funds to sponsor projects?

The Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island maintains a fund from the interest received from banks, credit unions, trust companies, and treasury branches on clients' funds held in lawyers' general trust accounts (which does not include interest paid on a specific trust investment held for an individual client).

10. How does the LFPEI exist?

Originally established in 1973, Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island operates pursuant to Part VII of the Legal Profession Act. The purpose of the Foundation is to receive interest earned on lawyers’ trust accounts and to make these funds available to organizations engaged in activities which are in keeping with its mandate.

11. What are the types of projects our organization can propose?

Past projects have included research on new approaches to delivering legal services, education workshops and legal information pamphlets. For more examples please go to our web page, or contact the LFPEI.

12. What types of projects tend to get priority for funding?

The Law Foundation of PEI may give priority to projects within its mandate that demonstrate collaboration with other organizations and where shared costs have been negotiated. As part of your application, you should highlight any collaborative agreements/partnerships and/or any shared funding agreements that are in place.

13. How do I contact the LFPEI?

Please direct your inquiries to:
Law Foundation of PEI
Nicola Reynolds, Executive Director
Phone: 902-940-3130 E-mail: